The idea of slowing down and making time for relationships is not unique to us. Worship wedded with a meal is not new – and there are some who have articulated well the rationale and the history. Here is what some other people have said about their experience at the table:
Oak Hills Church // San Antonio, Texas
Randy Frazee on the Table Experience from Oak Hills Church on Vimeo.
Randy Frazee, Senior Minister at Oak Hills Church, shared his thoughts on why it is so important for a family to have dinners together around the table.
Slow Church
Slow Church is inspired by the language and philosophy of the Slow Food movement to rethink the ways in which we share life together in our church communities. Just as Slow Food offers a pointed critique of industrialized food cultures and agricultures, Slow Church can help us unmask and repent of our industrialized approaches to church. It can also spur our imaginations with a rich vision of the holistic, interconnected, and abundant life together to which God has called us in Christ Jesus.
Slow Church is a call for intentionality, an awareness of our mutual interdependence with all people and all creation, and an attentiveness to the world around us and the work God is doing in our very own neighborhoods.