Tag Archives: Gospel of Luke

Only Cleansed – Or Made Well

Luke 17:11-19

Lukan themes in the passage:

  • Jerusalem is the goal of the journey
  • Jesus has mercy on social outcasts
  • Jesus conforms to Jewish norms
  • The grace of God extends beyond Judaism

“Go show yourselves to the priests.”

ἐκαθαρίσθησαν from καθαρίζω (katharizō)

1 of 10

σέσωκέν from σῴζω (sōzō)


  1. Do you think the different word choice between “cleansed” and “made well / saved” is intentional and specific – or just a synonym? Is this important?
  2.  What is an appropriate response for healing or rescuing from a trial today?

Boy Jesus

Luke 2:41-52

The only account of Jesus’ boyhood we possess apart from apocryphal legends. Here: the story of a visit by the holy family to a festival in Jerusalem.

The Boy Jesus Stayed Behind

“Filial Consciousness”


Three Sayings:



A: What the angels said

The baby’s name was given privately before his birth, and publicly afterwards, as ‘Jesus’ (1:31; 2:21): ‘The Lord is salvation’,

First: Savior

Second: Christ

Third: Lord

B: What the prophet said

Simeon’s thanksgiving to God tells us that the salvation to be found in Jesus is for all humanity. It is a universal offer.



C: What the Child himself said

Jews: ‘You, O Lord, are our Father’

So the first recorded words of Jesus are a statement about himself, and a claim to a relationship between himself and God different from, and deeper than, anything that had ever been known before.




  • Do we underestimate the spiritual insight of young people?
  • Mary and Joseph were not always able to understand what they were told. Why are we so slow to believe and grasp the word of God? (Note the difficulty our Lord’s disciples had—Luke 9:45 and 18:34.)
  • What stands out to you as most important in the stories of Luke 1 & 2?

Waiting for God

Luke 2:25-40



Promise :: Fulfillment :: Praise

The testimony of Simeon (Lk 2:25–35)

  1. His reassurance (Lk 2:25–26):
    consolation of Israel
    comfort : paraklēsis
  2. His recognition (Lk 2:27–32):
  3. His revelation (Lk 2:33–35)

(1)        Concerning the Messiah (Lk 2:33–34):

(2)        Concerning the mother (Lk 2:35):

The testimony of Anna (Lk 2:36–38):



What are you expecting (waiting for) God to do? In this life? In the life-to-come?

Have you ever seen the order of promise :: fulfillment :: praise?

Reversal of Roles

Luke 16:19-31

Context: Escalating conflict with Pharisees:

14 The Pharisees, who dearly loved their money, heard all this and scoffed at him. 15 Then he said to them, “You like to appear righteous in public, but God knows your hearts. What this world honors is detestable in the sight of God.


Only parable with a named character

Reversals:       Luke 1:51-52

a) Fixed Position (contrast)           19-20   Rich Man (inside)                                                                                                                                                        Lazarus (outside)
b) Unfulfilled Longing (hunger)     21a     Lazarus (outside)
c) Torment (sores; dogs licking)    21b     Lazarus (outside)
22        Lazarus: Angelic Transport
d) Deaths—Reversal
Rich Man: Burial
ɔ) Torment (flames)                              23     Rich Man (outside)
q) Unfulfilled Longing (thirst)           24     Rich Man (outside)
ɐ) Fixed Position (contrast)         25-26     Rich Man (outside)
Lazarus (inside)

Note that this parable doesn’t portray Lazarus as notably virtuous in any way. It is his poor and neglected condition that is the object of God’s action. Nor is the rich man wicked in other respects. It is simply that his luxury so absorbed him that he did not notice – and not noticing sealed his fate.

Ultimately, then, the parable is about failure in conversion, which explains why it has a sequel (vv.27-31) prolonging the dialogue between the rich man and Abraham

Questions for Reflection

In Luke 16:20-21, the rich man at least allowed the unsightly beggar Lazarus to remain at his gate and receive food from his table. How would you react if such a man lay at your front door, or by your church gates, every day? Are we even more hard-hearted than the rich man?

Read Luke 16:31 again. Do we really believe in the sufficiency of Scripture to save and warn today?

Lost : Found :: Searching : Rejoicing

Luke 15:1-32

Three parables: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, The Lost Son

Sermon audio has been edited to remove question and response time that was too quiet on the recording.






Response to the Pharisees and the Teachers of Religious Law

Pray This Way

The Lord’s Prayer

Luke 11:1-13

Lord’s Prayer Exercises sourced from  Ministry Matters

Rewrite the Prayer in Your Own Words

Go line by line, so that the general structure of the prayer is the same, but think in terms of your own spiritual vocabulary and theological concerns. Read your version aloud in worship and invite others to do their own.

One example:
O God
who reigns over everything,
holy are you.
Help us to live out your kingdom,
seeking your will in all we do,
and bringing the ways of heaven down to earth.
Lord, you know just what we need.
Forgive us for always wanting more.
Help us to forgive others as you forgive us.
Help us to resist temptation
And to fight our tendency toward evil.
For it is you we serve, Lord of all.
You are powerful, you are glorious.
You are the everlasting God.

Explore the Prayer in Questions

Our Father
How do you address God? What images of God do you most easily connect with? Father?Mother? Shepherd? King?

Who art in Heaven
What is God’s position in the universe? Does God reside primarily in Heaven?

Hallowed be thy name
How do you express God’s holiness? How do you define holiness?

Thy kingdom come
What does the Kingdom of God look like? How does God’s kingdom come to earth?

Thy will be done
What would it mean to want what God wants? How do you know what God’s will is?

On earth as it is in Heaven
How can we make earth more heaven-like? What is Heaven like?

Give us this day our daily bread
Do we really trust God to give us what we need? What would it be like to live with only what you really need?

And forgive us our sins
What do we need forgiveness for? Some Bible translations use the word “debts” instead of “sins;” what do each of these words indicate about the nature of sin?

As we forgive those who sin against us
Why should we forgive others? Why is it so hard to forgive?

And lead us not into temptation
Does God tempt us? Does Satan? Is it wrong to be tempted?

But deliver us from evil
Do you believe in evil spirits or powers? Do you believe there is evil in each of us? How are we delivered from something that is within us?

For thine is the Kingdom
What does it mean for God to be ruler over everything? How does that affect the way we pray?

And the power and the glory, forever and ever
Do you believe God is all-powerful? What does it mean to give God glory? If God is eternal, how do you think God views us and our world?

Read it Differently

Read the traditional Lord’s Prayer slowly, pausing after each line to let the words soak in. Read it in a different version of the Bible than you are used to. Read it in a paraphrase like The Message or a totally new translation like the Common English Bible. If you have even passing knowledge of another language, try reading it in that language.

Putting Jesus First

Text: Luke 9:57-62




Jesus Sent out The Twelve

Jesus had just sent out the “apostles” without rod, or bag, or bread, or silver, or change of clothes. Yet, they lacked nothing (See Luke 22:35 )

Story of Apprenticeship

First Man

“Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied…

The first (vv. 5758) was eager to follow the Lord, but it seems that homelessness was too great an obstacle to him

Second Man

Jesus said to him, “Come, follow me.” The man agreed, but…

The second (vv. 5960) wanted first to bury his father. It may be that the man was gravely ill, and required him to stay longer, or that his father was already dead—yet even a day’s delay was too long for our Lord. The man was to begin at that instant to ‘preach the kingdom of God’.

Third Man

“Yes, Lord, I will follow you, but first let me say good-bye to my family.”

The last (vv. 6162) wanted to bid his family ‘goodbye’. When Elisha had asked for this long before, the request was granted (1 Kings 19:20). Yet here the Son of God wanted to teach the extreme importance of his message; it was more urgent even than Elijah’s, and he could not wait. Eternity depended on it, and hesitation disqualified people from true service. Such a person was like a man driving a plough and not looking where he was going and beginning to plough uneven furrows.


Are we more committed to our relatives than to Christ?

In sharing the good news of Jesus today, do we sufficiently stress the hardships of following Christ?

Do What Jesus Did

Do What Jesus Did

The Twelve Equipped for service.

Power is the ability to do something

Authority is the right to do it;

The apostles had both

Luke’s Influence

Compare Apostles’ Audience in Luke’s  vs. Matthew’s Matt. 10:5–6

Content of Their Message

Preach the Good News (What is the Good News so far?)

Heal the afflicted.

Their Provision

Not to be a vacation,

They were exhorted to “travel light”

Live by faith.

  • No Rod
  • No Bag
  • No Bread
  • No Money
  • No Change of Clothes

As they went out two by two to serve Him, they had to trust Jesus to enable them to do what He told them to do

They Had enough: They lacked ‘nothing’ (Luke 22:35)

Continue reading Do What Jesus Did

Jesus Responds to Faith

Two Stories at Once

Healing of a Hemorrhaging Woman

Compare Luke to Mark 5:25-26 And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years,  and who had suffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse.

12 years of striving for healing

In a crowd comes up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of his garment

Immediately the flow was stanched

Jesus asks an unanswerable question (except for 1 person)

“Someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me.”

47 When the woman realized that she could not stay hidden, she began to tremble and fell to her knees in front of him. The whole crowd heard her explain why she had touched him and that she had been immediately healed.

Trembling, she presented herself to Jesus and makes a full confession

People in the crowd heard about her condition – and her healing

“Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”

Compare this to last week’s text when Jesus was anointed by the sinful woman: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”


Raising of a Dead Girl to Life

12 years old

An only daughter, dying father saught out Jesus

miracle workers in Jesus’ time were celebrities, mainly because people in biblical times faced death regularly – the average man lived about 31 years, the infant and child mortality were in the 50 percent range, and a mild ailment, like a cut on one’s hand or a tooth abscess could become life-threatening.

A servant came with horrible news. Blunt – using word order for emphasis in Greek: Dead, your daughter is.

“Don’t be afraid. Just have faith, and she will be healed.”

“Stop the weeping! She isn’t dead; she’s only asleep.”

“My child, get up!”

At that moment = immediately ≠ 12 years


A Grace-Filled Response to Interruption

How would you respond to Jesus stopping and asking the ‘unanswerable question’ if you were Jairus?

What does Jesus do?


When Jairus hears Jesus say, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” doesn’t he ask what about my daughter?

Questions to Ponder

  • What happens because Jesus stops to interact with the woman?
  • How do you respond when you are interrupted or something (someone) comes along that you didn’t expect?
  • Is there a Jesus-like stance toward interrupting people you can adopt this week?

Good News!

“You are only able to receive love to the degree that you are willing to trust”

Background Information



The Story



The Unnamed Woman




“You are only able to receive love to the degree that you are willing to trust”


How much are you willing to trust Jesus?