Tag Archives: Faith

Only Cleansed – Or Made Well

Luke 17:11-19

Lukan themes in the passage:

  • Jerusalem is the goal of the journey
  • Jesus has mercy on social outcasts
  • Jesus conforms to Jewish norms
  • The grace of God extends beyond Judaism

“Go show yourselves to the priests.”

ἐκαθαρίσθησαν from καθαρίζω (katharizō)

1 of 10

σέσωκέν from σῴζω (sōzō)


  1. Do you think the different word choice between “cleansed” and “made well / saved” is intentional and specific – or just a synonym? Is this important?
  2.  What is an appropriate response for healing or rescuing from a trial today?

Putting Jesus First

Text: Luke 9:57-62




Jesus Sent out The Twelve

Jesus had just sent out the “apostles” without rod, or bag, or bread, or silver, or change of clothes. Yet, they lacked nothing (See Luke 22:35 )

Story of Apprenticeship

First Man

“Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied…

The first (vv. 5758) was eager to follow the Lord, but it seems that homelessness was too great an obstacle to him

Second Man

Jesus said to him, “Come, follow me.” The man agreed, but…

The second (vv. 5960) wanted first to bury his father. It may be that the man was gravely ill, and required him to stay longer, or that his father was already dead—yet even a day’s delay was too long for our Lord. The man was to begin at that instant to ‘preach the kingdom of God’.

Third Man

“Yes, Lord, I will follow you, but first let me say good-bye to my family.”

The last (vv. 6162) wanted to bid his family ‘goodbye’. When Elisha had asked for this long before, the request was granted (1 Kings 19:20). Yet here the Son of God wanted to teach the extreme importance of his message; it was more urgent even than Elijah’s, and he could not wait. Eternity depended on it, and hesitation disqualified people from true service. Such a person was like a man driving a plough and not looking where he was going and beginning to plough uneven furrows.


Are we more committed to our relatives than to Christ?

In sharing the good news of Jesus today, do we sufficiently stress the hardships of following Christ?

Do What Jesus Did

Do What Jesus Did

The Twelve Equipped for service.

Power is the ability to do something

Authority is the right to do it;

The apostles had both

Luke’s Influence

Compare Apostles’ Audience in Luke’s  vs. Matthew’s Matt. 10:5–6

Content of Their Message

Preach the Good News (What is the Good News so far?)

Heal the afflicted.

Their Provision

Not to be a vacation,

They were exhorted to “travel light”

Live by faith.

  • No Rod
  • No Bag
  • No Bread
  • No Money
  • No Change of Clothes

As they went out two by two to serve Him, they had to trust Jesus to enable them to do what He told them to do

They Had enough: They lacked ‘nothing’ (Luke 22:35)

Continue reading Do What Jesus Did