The “missional church” may be a new concept for you. Here is a suggested reading list that you may find helpful to help define what a missional church is – and what it looks like to be a missional church.
- The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church, by Alan Hirsch
The Forgotten Ways proposes the concept of Apostolic Genius as a way to understand what caused the church to experience exponential growth and impact at various times in history, interpreting it for use in our own time and place. From the theological underpinnings to the practical application, Hirsch takes the reader through this dynamic mixture of passion, prayer, and incarnational practice to rediscover the dormant potential of the modern church in the West. - Grow Where You’re Planted, Ed. by Dan Steigerwald and Kelly Crull
In Grow Where You’re Planted, the authors describe a set of hallmarks common to maturing churches that can be used by any missional community to discern their unique plan for growth. And the book is based on stories of how Christian Associates’ projects and churches around the world are wrestling around these hallmarks to aid their own maturing. - Growing Local Missionaries, by Dan Steigerwald
Growing Local Missionaries is about real action for the good of the world––equipping people to move in their neighborhoods and cities with confidence in both their God-given identity and their capacity to pass on practical missionary skills.